Highrider2 Out Taking Pics Again!There has been an obvious fued between Highrider2 and PROlapse on this board for some time. Seems like Highrider has taken to revenge by hiring paparazzi to get some shots of PROlapse in his natural environment. Here are a few:
This one was taken during the fundraising IPO stage of PROlapse Trading Inc.
This one was taken at the BTE shareholders meeting. PROlapse got up and tried t ask what management was going to do about all the bashers and the takeover crew however nobody heard what he was saying so the question was not answered. When Chief1and PROlapse returned home PROlapse remarked to Cheif that even though they fellow bull shareholders didn't hear his question answered they were laughing so he might have a career as a standup comedian.
Hghrider2 took it a step further and got some PROlapse action shots at his mom's basement's home where he hides out. The first one here is PROlapse trimmnimg the hedge; part of the chores he preforms to cover rent:
The next on shows how resourcefull PROlapse and Chief are when Mrs. PROlpse asked them to do some renovations. Chief1 found himself in a common position but preforming a different task.
Again we know PROlapse is resourceful. Here he is out with PROlpase junior with a unique head safety device.
Overall nice work Highrider. I'm sure there will be more highazzi pics in the future.