BNN Market Call Guests: The One Thing That Appalls Me
If I had to pick the one practice that some BNN Market Call guests have engaged in in the past that disgusts me, it is this: A guest makes a stock a "Top Pick", then, during a subsequent appearance on the show when their "Past Top Picks" are reviewed and the stock has taken a beating, they respond by stating they sold the stock shortly after making the pick, made or lost a little bit of money, but are now out of the stock......I realize that viewers should do their own due diligence before investing, but to have a guest supposedly do THEIR own due diligence, think highly enough of the stock to make it a "Top Pick", then bail on the stock shortly after raving about it is extremely negligent......I lose all respect for BNN guests who do this, and now I only watch a select few who seem to stick with their picks and ride the ups and downs with viewers.....There are however, two exceptions to this rule: 1) If a guest were to clearly state when making his/her pick that he is a short-term trader, so he may exit the name if the technical charts, stop loss, etc. criteria are triggered. 2) If a LARGER AND CLEARLY MATERIAL change occurs within the company that could not have been foreseen when the guest made the pick......I would suggest that any guest who pulls this stunt even once is not worth anyone's time as it is clear, at least to me, that they don't do their homework before investing and/or recommending a stock.....