As the world turns so will ABI.V
Good Morning all,
Reviewing last week's posts. I enjoyed the summer week....think the ocean, but I digress.
In one statement and to Pilgrim has shared: wait, watch, and follow the leader....
Regarding the new comers...great...I wish I had found this GEM at this spring's price...I did not ...regardless...
What this is a bonanza opportunity...still extremely unknown and undervalued. It is one, I think will pay out larger than most can imagine the right time and future moment...I see sooner than later.
The best and most real points...almost no debt, SAFE location, real potential future ....real assets, in me another similar? There are so so many others in dollar values worth nothing compared ( due to debt and liabilities) to this small potential project...FACT!
In closing enjoy the days...winter is more ways than most could ever imagine...just look around you....and and silver are the historical assets...