All that needs to be said has been said. Investors don't need any more elaborate theories expounded. Now it's up to Roger to make it happen and I might add, before the company reaches a fast approaching cash crunch. Debating how compelling theory is won't move the share price yardsticks. The market needs more in the way of substance to go on. Let's be honest, the risk has not lessened by the use of DFOC technology if anything it has increased since it makes the procedure they hope to use on patients a lot more intricate than shareholders first suspected. More complexity usually means more chances that something can go wrong. The DFOC technology is still in its unproven infancy and should be viewed as such. Modern cars are great until all the electronic bells and whistles start to fail. First things first, we have to wait and see if Health Canada is even satisfied with TLT's 700 page response to their concerns?