Insider profit / NexoliaI consulted SEDI to understand Nexolia's transactions (Vicky Lavoie). I am not sure whether the investment of Nexolia and the massive sale afterward will have a positive or a negative impact on GMA. It first showed confidence in GMA, but the recent sale looks otherwise. I went to SEDI and calculated the profit that Nexolia made with its insider sales on July 19, 2016. I simply took the acquisition price (0.07$) and calculated the profit made for the various transactions. The detail is the following: (36 000 shares X 0.045) + (28 000 shares X 0.04) + (39 000 shares X 0.035) + (470 000 shares X 0.03) + (153 500 shares X 0.025) + 750 000 shares X 0.02) + (844 500 shares X 0.015) = $49 710 From my reading of SEDI, the profit realized for the sale of her shares is $49 710. Nexolia has now 1,250,428 shares, compared to 3,571,428 shares that it had on February 23, 2016. Therefore, from February 23, 2016 to July 19, 2016, Nexolia was able to make a profit of $49 710 and be named on the Board of a public company. For 5 months, Nexolia was the biggest shareholder of GMA, but is it still the case now? The transactions were made on July 19, 2016. The AMF published the news report concerning the alleged insider trading on July 15, 2016, which means that Nexolia's transactions were made 4 days after the AMF report. I am very disappointed about the recent developments involving Nexolia and the CTO. It seems that the waiting period for material news is never ending and nothing substantial is released. Moulouk