GREY:CHALF - Post by User
Post by
jutah70on Aug 11, 2016 6:38pm
Post# 25133288
uptickUptick in volume lately could lead to some nice short lived surges. Think about what is being bought between .29 - .33 right now. Do your own math to see how high the price needs to go for someone to exit with a 25% profit - not very high at all. That can come in one trading session. And with current volumes it will be easy to unload a few hundred thousand shares for a nice tidy profit (and still keep some of the position).
Makes me wonder if there are some who are buying ahead of a US listing. If we saw just one to two days of increased volume it could be someone testing the market, someone establishing/building a position, etc. But if someone knows that volume could be coming with a new ticker going live (and knows how to 'encourage' a stock) they could be making a sweet little profit. If there is demand, they will certainly have the supply of shares to feed new and eager buyers. And with healthy volume they can unload without plummeting the stock. Nice to see this activity.
As well, nice to see some decent strength in the stock today - in that the DEA news did not totally overshadow the financials released today.