RE:Monday at closeMy thoughts on Q2:
Honestly i don't really think you'll see the big spike, todays report was on the street a couple of weeks already so the price is already built into the push. Clarity on mining operations is nice but it still doesn't equate into tangibles just yet. If you compare basic numbers against other gold producers there is room for the price to move but not a whole lot.
timmins produced 26,500 ou and sits at .75 a share
B2Gold produced 135,000 ou and sits at 4.50 a share (roughly 5 times more gold)
GoldCorp produced 613,400 ou and sits at 24.41 (roughly 23 times more gold)
the size of the company really doesn't matter, they're all driven by the same price of gold, it's more about how much it costs them to get it.
I wanted to see a nice 'pop' today too but I think everyone can agree that until AP is in production, the price of Gold stays in the 1300-1359/ou range, and they keep producing as many ounces as they say, the price isn't going too far north of .80 anytime soon. Nor do I think 'big players' joining in unless there's some info from the core samples to indicate they're sitting on the mother load.