MARGINSI mentioned last week that Bellemare is focused in increasing the margins-and bringing down the debt-
There have been layoffs-work being shifted to lower wage countries-and so forth-Bellemare and his team are very keen in seeing a better balance sheet-
In the meantime the liberal government sits on the fence pondering what they should do with Bombardier-
It has been more then a half a year and still no decision -unbelievable-
Bombardier has spent billions in R&D and has thousands of people employed in their company-
the longer the feds wait -don't be surprised to see Canadian Jobs being transfered abroad-
the feds were so quickly to act on a number of other matters and here they go out and spend millions -re-hiring Morgan Stanley to do what ??????
I am still waiting to hear or read what all that was about-
September should be an interesting month for Bombardier but October even better as we will know who won some major train contracts-
We are too approaching that day when Air Baltic will take delivery of the model 300 CSERIES-
Hope u are all enjoying the weekend-
Go Bomber Go