good dividend strategy1-you pass the imparment test,get a big loss-good reason to stop the dividend
2-in q3, you pass again this test, some improvment(the test have to be done when susceptible impairment). You pay no dividend because it was already blocked by previous decision.Fair value is a range not a fix amount, you choose to have a big, big loss to have reason to stop the dividend payment.
You do not care about your stock price because you do not pay liabilities from market , you have cash from income, so you can do it.
3-you turn all dividend payment against the debt and delevarage the company
4-you add some new products and increase assets by new products licence, so by indictators you show that the company is deleveraged
5-you get a good new stock price market because you turn positive
6-you never pay dividend. Who care about? Investors? You have it by income and good stock price.Finally you accelerate the debt payment by never paying the dividend-it is how you partially recover the loss from the 2 products presented in q2,2016!Also partially recover by lawsuit if illegal competition and by new good result from impairment test.
7-when you want to buy many products you advise that you will pay the dividend and the people will believe you , you have a good stock price.
8-you finally pay this dividend but because of this change, you acquire many products, and you become nr 1 in your category.