RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Analyst targetsI took my first position in CNE when thedave was boasting it would be the next PRE in Colombia. Shows you how far back that goes. I'm fully aware of all the shortcomings of Gamba but he seems to have for the time being at least turned the ship around with his gas plays. He is delivering on his gas objectives so he can't be faulted there. Parex seems to be the exception but just about all the rest of the intermediates and junior's are trading at 1/3 of their former value. If one believes oil prices will eventually rebound then that should put CNE shareholders in a good place having compelling gas sales in place from which the share price can push upwards by bringing more of their oil reserves on stream. I appreciate the reluctance of some investors to buy into the turnaround scenario for CNE. I'd be skeptical too if it wasn't for their gas sales performing and indeed growing at a remarkable pace. Until the market sentiment for oil companies improves there will be a reluctance by many investors to give these companies their proper valuations.