The thing about Lattice.... She's been a great bear from a content perspective but she sometimes acts poorly which is counter productive to her credibility. Yeah, yeah... I know, I hear my fans going "WOW! look who's talking!!!!"
And for all traditional investors here, the take away lesson is don't get distracted by the clown acrobatics. It's contagious. Look and research the message. Don't go into denial mode. Analyse where you've gone wrong and try not to do the same mistakes.
Lattice has the case of the "clown show syndrome". If you spend too much time fighting the pumping and bashing clowns, you effectively get on the stage with them and start acting like a clown yourself losing focus on the charts and/or fundaments. I know. I catch myself doing that ALL THE TIME.
When you take breaks from these clown shows (the bullboards) or trading, it's amazing how clear things become.
Boy, did I ever roast Lattice. You might think the board comments were bad... the off board comments were vicious! Unforgivable really! LOL That's why she hates me now. She's still learning how to bullboard... ;-)
Now, the charts are saying BAIL!!!! She's not going to hold $11 captain!
I agree with shorters, this might be a great short even at these prices but the last nice short was at 40s. If there is big money that gets fooled on this trash can, you'll see upticks but the downsides risks are way too high to hold a significant position. I'm actually need to check all the portfolios I manage to make sure there isn't any significant long position anywhere. I still have a small "watch position" but that might have to be flipped to a short position with a stop loss. I'm not shorting without the automatic eject button flipped, that's way, way too risky!
But guys, I'm not leaving. I want to see what happens post trash burning. The bigger the flames here the nicer the possible recovery.