GREY:VVVFF - Post by User
Post by
louisguyon Sep 02, 2016 4:00pm
Post# 25204147
A good bet !!
A good bet !! Looking at the reorganization of Versatile since a few years, we can say that Mrs. Des Paillire
and Benedetti are the two men who control and determine the way to follow about the future and
a splendid development for this company. If we look at on side theirs CV and so much the more
their implication in the company on an another side ( being proprietor of near 100,000,000 shares
or 50% of the capitalization and the ridiculous price of the shares on the market ) it make me
believe that we are in front of a special situation which offer a wonderful bet. Go..take time..and
make your own search. If you do'nt agree come on and say it, and why ? It can start a good
discution which may be very interesting for all shareholders. We never lost time, taking time to
look for informations about an invesment and chiefly a junior one. GLTA.