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iSIGN Media Solutions Inc V.ISD.H

Alternate Symbol(s):  ISDSF

iSIGN Media Solutions Inc. is a Canada-based infrastructure-focused, software-as-a-service (SaaS) company. The Company is engaged in providing proximity-centric location services. It specializes in the areas of location-based security alert messaging and proximity marketing utilizing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity in complete privacy. Its licensed Passive Historical Aggregate Contact Tracing (PHACT) technology, an intelligent smart space analytics platform utilizes publicly available anonymous interactions between mobile devices to determine occupancy levels and movements of individuals. The PHACT technology is housed in hardware units called Hybrid Analytics Location Observation (HALO) a software platform and listening device that provides a suite of functions specifically designed to maximize safety and security within a managed environment, such as a school, hospital, sopping plaza or concert venue; and Hybrid Analytics Location Observation with object recognition (HALOfx).

TSXV:ISD.H - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by patrioteson Sep 02, 2016 7:57pm
Post# 25204774

News after Close --- iSign to file tardy fiscal 2016 results

News after Close --- iSign to file tardy fiscal 2016 results

Visit my Greehouse during wiating time before AGM

---> My Greenhouse

2016-09-02 16:20 ET - News Release


An anonymous director reports


iSign Media Solutions Inc. has provided an update to its previous announcement on the late filing of its annual audited financial statements, management's discussion and analysis, and related chief executive officer and chief financial officer certificates.

It is now anticipated that the required documents will be filed no later than Oct. 31, 2016.

The additional time for the filing of the required documents is needed by the company to resolve certain valuation matters relating to intangible assets and payment of moneys owed to the company's auditor.

In the interim, the company has applied to the applicable securities regulatory authorities for a management cease trade order related to the company's securities to be imposed against the company's chief executive officer and chief financial officer for so long as the required documents are not filed. A management cease trade order will not affect the ability of other shareholders to trade the securities of the company.

Until the required documents are filed, the company intends to provide information in accordance with National Policy 12-203 (management cease trade orders), including the issuance of biweekly default status reports.

The company is not subject to any insolvency proceeding, and there is no other material information concerning the affairs of the company that has not been generally disclosed.

We seek Safe Harbor.

Bullboard Posts