Apologies to Ferret Apologies to Ferret for insinuating that you are an idiot or were purposefully misleading. Clearly you actually believe the Paris Accord/Alternative Energy narrative that has sprung up over the past few years. So instread of calling you an idiot or liar, let me rephrase and simply say that you don't have a clue of what you are talking about regarding these two subjects. I suggest that you do some reading on the Paris Accord and and alternatives and not blindly take them as a fait accompli. Try this as a starter. Its from an excellent periodical called New Scientist
As for alternative energy, something like the Paris Accord is essential for the world to make the switch to alternative energy sources. Without some type of binding mechanism that has some real teeth (unlike the impotent Paris Accord), the world will continue to use fossil fuels because they are cheap and plentiful AND most importantly virtually the entire energy and by association the economic infastructure of the planet is built for oil and gas. There is simply no easy way to make a meaningful conversion even over the long run. As for the short to medium run it is naive to think that alternatives will have any effect on oil and gas. The problems are much too large and it will take decades and decades to make any kind of a conversion. Long after all of us reading this post will be dead and buried.