CRC1 is in complete panic mode....lmaoLook at this idiot go! He is quickly realizing that hgl and myself are correct......and his feeble little $150 investment is in jeapordy. He's posting like a madman, like a drowning swimmer trying to find a piece of floating debris. One minute he's begging everyone to put us on ignore "like he has" and the next minute he's carrying on conversations with us......LMAO! Then he admits he "in ignored us" see what's going on, like he's done THREE times in the last 3 weeks! WHAT AN IDIOT! the way crc.....what is "dought" Is that like you dought you'll be able to buy those new seat covers for your Pinto? Have a great day, putting us on ignore, and taking us off "in ignore" 15 times, and posting like the panic stricken loser that you are. Oh....and here's another suggestion for ya.......when you rate your own posts, which is absolutely pathetic,(shows how insecure you are).....wait at least a couple of minutes so it isn't so obvious, you're embarrassing yourself even more than you already have! You're too's something for you to chew on all's your favourite....... WE OWN THE BOARD.....cause we speak FACT! LMAO....that ought to keep you busy. LMAO! Oh.....quick it July 1st yet? I "dought it"