RE:DIVNo selling is by Managment or Board.
As of 11:59pm ET September 13th, 2016Filing
DateInsider NameOwnership
TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolume or ValuePriceSep 12/16Sep 12/16Tracey, LanceIndirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Disposition in the public market
Sep 12/16Sep 12/16Shaw, ScottIndirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Disposition in the public market
Sep 12/16Sep 8/16Shaw, ScottIndirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Disposition in the public market
Sep 12/16Sep 8/16Tracey, LanceIndirect OwnershipCommon Shares
10 - Disposition in the public market
Sep 7/16Sep 7/16Shaw, ScottIndirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Disposition in the public market
Sep 7/16Sep 7/16Tracey, LanceIndirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Disposition in the public market
Sep 7/16Sep 6/16Giese, Kevin ArnoldDirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Disposition in the public market
Sep 7/16Sep 6/16Giese, Kevin ArnoldDirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Disposition in the public market
Sep 6/16Sep 6/16Shaw, ScottIndirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Disposition in the public market
Sep 6/16Sep 6/16Shaw, ScottIndirect OwnershipCommon Shares10 - Disposition in the public market