Setting up for a big upside moveSay what you wish about the management team, and frankly I partly agree that Tony is a shady character. However in terms of the value here I think this stock is setting up for a big break upward. I was wrong on the last test of 12.30, however if you look at the 3 year chart this channel between 10.50 and 12.00 looks like a giant bull flag. I should also mention that the Canadian price of gold is nearing all time highs made in 2011. A lot of people are focused on the U.S. Dollar value in gold not realizing the Canadian price as skyrocketed even further given the weakness in the Canadian dollar. Last time the Canadian price of gold reached all time highs this stock touched $20. I am accumulating this monster on the red days as I think this legs up to $15-20 in the medium term. Cheers