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TomaGold Corp V.LOT

Alternate Symbol(s):  TOGOF

TomaGold Corporation is a Canadian mineral exploration company engaged in the acquisition, assessment, exploration and development of gold, copper, rare earth elements and lithium projects. The Company is focused on consolidating the Chibougamau Mining Camp in northern Quebec. In addition to the agreements to acquire 13 properties in the camp, the Company holds interests in five gold properties in the vicinity of the camp: Obalski, Monster Lake East, Monster Lake West, Hazeur and Doda Lake. It also owns a 100% interest in a lithium property and in the Star Lake rare earth elements property, located in the James Bay region of Quebec, as well as a 24.5% interest in the Baird property, located near the Red Lake mining camp in Ontario through a joint venture with Evolution Mining Ltd. and New Gold Inc. The Obalski property consists of about 74 claims covering a total of 2,740 hectares (ha) and lies three kilometers (km) south of Chibougamau, Quebec.

TSXV:LOT - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by thisisriskystufon Sep 19, 2016 8:46am
Post# 25250992

trading halted

trading haltedTrading Halted  ???
Bullboard Posts