Ample Justification for Current Valuation...The companies in this space are being valued speculatively for future performance expectations, based somewhat loosely on "today's" performance and what the company is capable of under x circumstances (medical vs recreational etc). Each person has his own method of valuation in the end and takes into consideration the metrics he deems most important, and by those numbers/subjective impressions plots his entries and exits. Ultimately, all of these people together, which we call the market, decide the share price. Today, regardless of your perception of what market capitalization is appropriate relative to it's peers, the "market" decided ACB is worth 1.32 per share. Whether or not you can see the value in that number doesn't really matter. The market decides, and the market seems to be saying that this company is a force to be reckoned with. At this point i am regretting selling as many of my shares as i did on the way up. I bought in with an average cost of .49 back in the day, but will now be seriously considering buying back in, in a fairly large way, at more than twice that price. Who woulda thunk?