RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Affinor Growers and Health Canada licenseNow you want to do some math on profitability after January 1st 2017?
Lets take the 10% and take 50% away on all agreements leaving the company 50% minus 26% tax.
Then take your 3% and give VDL their 50% leaving you 1.5% minus 26% tax again.
Now your revenues per contract goes from $100,000 - 50% = $50,000
Now take your $50,000 - 26% = $37,000
$37,000 revenue on 112,000,000 million shares not bad and $11,100 on every million of sales after per contract.
So currently 3 contracts as of this year and if those contracts make a million each (easy math for the 10%) they pay AFI $300,000. But as of January 1st next year all initial contracts unless bargained much hire only pays AFI $37,000 after taxes on $1 million in sales. And all existing contracts only pay 1.5% minus their rate of calculated tax (26%) or $11,100 per million in sales. There's going to be quite a few equity raising before this company is making enough a year to pay its CEO on its own revenues let alone the rest of management.
So now when they sell their equipment and technology the same applies as of January 1st 50% of gross proceeds goes to VDL. Not very lucrative when you lose 50% of your revenues before the tax man comes to collect and then you have to still pay all your other expenses. GLTA who invested in Affinor and stop listening to the pumpers and do some DD