RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Phone callwhat on Gods green girth has YOUUU Royal BLUEEE so surrre that the , NDA was Ba ba ba bbroken. what I seee is a glass half full of Kaluah and youuuuuuu would argue indeedily of this garbiagio was bought out for a 12 bagger dagger , your beleibing a poster whooos credibilty is less THEN that of a VP of MARKETing who can hide behind safe Barbour statements.
tsky tsky RS, your not talking your own adivceeeeeeeeeeeee.
goodgle what pubic information is. I THinky Dinky if I see a poster on a wall of Mattehws office has a Kitty Cat sasying, YOUUUU GO gIRL and post it you could contrsut the porr kitty cat info as not known or public and cry cry cry me a river.
ND EH EH EH can say whos who in da zoo I pitty da fooo who is you poo poop
Ill defeat Isis, Merica