RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:IF Shorts are so Sure this is Going to ZeroSays the self-5-starring clown from the penny stock sewers! LMAO!!!
MirrorWorldMan wrote: As far as I can tell, there are very few longs posting on the board, just short shims most of which should probably invest their pocket change now and buy a share. I guess maybe a handful of people at best with multiple aliases trying to flood the message board and distract. Its a circus. All their efforts and so much more to cover...The longs are not selling, and shorty cannot see a rally going, so they generate their own rally by playing hacy sac back and forth with their own shares. Just wait untill we see thousands of shares traded for a hundredth of a cent, providing the appearance of volumes. Seen it countless times. All shorts know how to do is dump shares, any monkey with a cell phone can dive the artificial asks. They brought the share price here where shorty can cover but guess what? no shares are down here to cover with. Bring it to zero, or try, makes for a nice buy. Hold shares, or buy, starve shorty untill the SP rises.