$32. support level
---by looking at the chart VRX finally broke thru $36. , $35. , $34. , $33. & soon $32..
---when $32. gets broken we will be at $29.5 where the SP last spiked to above $36.. If this doesn't hold we will be at $32. in a heart beat.
---Institutional longs giving up the ghost it seems.
---any assets sells if not Bausch & Lomb will be considered not enough.
---if they sell Bausch & Lomb (the only stable income source) stock will crater.
---if any of their drugs get approval the stock may pop up but not above $36. & even then it won't last as income derived is off in the future & will depend on the degree of approval.
---if any or all of their drugs get the thumbs down the stock will be back down to $24. in June from where this 3Q rally started.