RE:Some amusement: What the BTE shorties are saying...
Are you making fun of short sellers here? Because a lot of this relates to things that most people who have no clue what you are talking about.
I do understand the "helicopter money", that probably relates to the US Fed having to possibly start QE "printing money" or US dollar devaluation.
The Feb appears to want to raise interest rates which they fear could destabilize the already fragile & nervous stock market. They fear deflation so printing money is one way around that?
I do understand US traders using HFT - high frequency trading and ATS - automated trading. If you look at the volume of trades, an increasing number are going through these "dark" trading networks and not the TSX. But the rest is complete "old boys club" material and is of no value to most people here?
Please be less cryptic. Some traders here are very good but they aren't cryptic. Just remember the audience reading isn't just "the old boys club".