GREY:CVHIF - Post by User
Comment by
Xiawen13on Oct 02, 2016 8:59am
Post# 25299486
RE:CXV has FINALLY bottomed.....
RE:CXV has FINALLY bottomed.....LOL, thats less than two weeks ago:
choices999 wrote: Hello Everyone:
I believe that Convalo has finally made a bottom at 12 cents and Costine appears to have finally obtained control of this ship.
In October we should see a recovery in share price as we move closer to financial results.
Lets put aside any expectations and give them a chance to see what they deliver. We can then debate whether it is good or bad.
On another point, why do longs waste their time to respond to nonsense posts by some basher who does not even own any shares?
The only reason this basher is here is because he or she is paid to bash at $ 13 per hour plus responses to his or her post. Don't embark in that game. Firstly no one truly makes a decision based on this board alone so influence is little to none. Secondly, if you are long you don't need to debate a basher as to why you are long. The basher is not your broker and is not paid to provide you consulting services. If you fear that newbies may be discouraged from buying then you don't really want that buyer since one bad post is too intimidating for them and hence they are a WEAK LONG.
The bashers in the end are to be thanked because they create a solid base of long shareholders who bought despite their nonsense and do not scare easy. Notice that we have bottomed at 12 cents and no amount of gum flapping is working any more.
My opinion only,