MEG wall of worryyes it's still there and it might still be with us until we see a positive q3 with lower costs and increased produciton and or a sale of access pipeline at very good metrics.
yes oil is going up but MEG seems to be holding back again because I think the wall of worry is just to big to climb right now without added positive developments.
I'm guessing of course but oil is going up and up and MEG's SP has been lagging behind.
can it leap on postive developments?
most certainlty.
will q3 have positive developments?
most certainly but they might also be tempered down by the big banks so they can load up on shares befroe 2017 and positive oil market developments.
I think with a good q3 report and other positive news MEG can finally break the shackles of 6.00 and move closer to 7 or even higher in 2017.\