GREY:CHALF - Post by User
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Soyousayon Oct 11, 2016 10:06am
Post# 25330217
Golden Leaf: Why they will be a leader in the industry...
Golden Leaf: Why they will be a leader in the industry...1. Their management team. These are guys who have held executive positions in consumer goods companies and aren't afraid to put their reputation and name out there. They also have a tremendous amount of credibility and connections.
2. They are in the US. Where as most Canadian firms are stuck in Canada and will have a tough time getting market share in the US without some form of partnership.
3. Their business model. They are vertically integrated and have a network of growers (kind of like wine producers). And they distribute to dispencaries in the US. Vs. Canada where it is all regulated and someone with a MM card can only buy from 1 supplier.
4. The US election. Come Nov 8, legalization of pot will happen. And these guys are well positioned to take advantage of that.