LION Futures It seems like LION will have the strong hand in receiving the Navilawa tenement from Fiji's MRD. They're already there, they have good relationships with the government and the locals, and they're willing to put up a lot of money for exploration. They're also environmentally conscious in regards to lovely Fiji, which I've always appreciated about the company.
From the PEA ...."Previous exploration by Mincor had established significant potential for bonanza grade epithermal deposits similar to the Tuvatu style deposit at the Banana Creek, Tuvatu North, Kingston and Vatume Hill prospects." The latest news release lists a lot of others.
Of particular interest are the spectacular numbers from ore mined at the Kingston Mine 110 years ago and then 60 years ago.
It's reported that two shipments of ore were made, the initial shipment being 5 to 7 tons assaying 33% Cu and 85 g Au and 130 g silver per ton. The second shipment contained an unknown tonnage of ore averaging 40.6% Cu and 176 g of Au and 130 g of silver per ton. .
In 1952, one ton of selected ore containing 20.3 % Cu and 460.3 g of silver and 98.9 g of gold per ton was extracted. They mined that only 15 meters gotta wonder whats beneath and around the old mine. (Vatakoula has been mined down to 8-900 meters)
The Ring of Fire's old volcanoes in the South Pacific that have gold, often have a great deal of it. (like little brother Vatakoula). We couldn't have a better guy than our director and chief geologist, Steven Mann, to sniff it out--he seems to have a nose for the yellow metal.
Jomaki Ridge. If they're right that extensions of Tuvatu's Upper Ridge lodes 1 and 2 could extend 1.5 km to Jomaki, that would really be something. Maybe Lion's first satelite mining operation?
Mineralization also extends along a north-south corridor aligning the Upper Ridges Lodes of Tuvatu with the Kingston Mine 2 km to the north.
(from their prospecting to God's inbox).
We're now seeing the outlines of how Berukoff and company hope to show they have his best project ever. More power to them.
I think the next few years may be quite the ride for Lion owners.
Mission Statement:
Create a cash machine and build up a multi-million ounce gold resource.