what we know since last release:Komao/Kakula resource estimates of 73 billion lbs cu with 13 more hole on the way so say all in 75 billion lbs to date, at least that's what the Investment bankers will be using.
50%= 37.5 b/lbs using conservative 6% insitsu value= 2.25 billion lbs cu, now using a conservative $2.50 lb/cu= $5.625 billion divided by 779 million shares o/s= $7.22 share cash value for remaining 50% interest..plus the 440 million from Zijin= $1.00 sh approximately
and this doesn't include the other two assets/properties
conclusion if these assets where in say N. America the stock would be trading at at least
$10.00 so at 2.30 range this stock is trading at more than an 75% discount because of the geopolitical arena its in..I'd say nada maybe 25% which still puts this stock at $7.50 and extremely undervalued..So the best thing is to see what's up with the Investment bank, which i believe was hired to look into the Komoa/Kakula because of the attention it has drawn recently this year.
So in conclusion cash offers would trump out geopolitical trading discounts glta