If you sold out already, come back in. Let me tell you why..I see a lot of posts that says that the sp will come down, but I highly doubt it. Let me tell you why.
They are a lot of letter of intents being written to various companies, to buy more supplies needed to grow, distribute and sell marijuana. This is to prepare for the Nov 8th ballot in America. Five states are looking legalize MJ and 3 others will make MMJ legal. Currently, 60% of the people are in favour of legalizing MJ in California!!! Analysts suggests 80% likelyhood that it will get legalized.
What does this have to do with CGC? This is in America....
Currently, CGC has a deal in place with Snoop Dogg, I don't need to explain who he is. Snoop had a deal where he controls the operation in Long beach California.
Snoop Dogg will sell his strain of weed and branding extremely well, his a former drug dealer... If you don't think this is a big deal, the population of California is as big as the whole population of Canada. Think of him having control of Ontario.
All he needs to do is make an ad of him smoking some Tweed/Snoop Dogg branded MJ and say "this is some good sh@t". Then we will have the Ophrah effect happening.
Obviously, it will take some time after Nov 8 to fully legalize but it will start with MMJ patients and grow from then on.
While Canada is taking its time legalizing, Canada can utilize the American market and learn a lot from it. Suprise!!! California's MMJ market is 1 billion, similar to Canada's, but its recreational market is a lot bigger.
(go search online the exact rules the American people are voting for, some states allow individuals to grow couple plants and some do not).