GREY:TBTEF - Post by User
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oilconsultanton Oct 19, 2016 4:05pm
Post# 25362810
I love this board...LOL
I love this board...LOLthere are so many fools that own this stock...LOL
manthebull, now there is a silly flunky, still with the grade school play yard talk..LOL... acting like a child, LOL
Those are the fools that own TBE...LOL a bunch of numb brains...LOL
I do an annual review to ensure my stocks are doing well and I still want them.... I spent a few days on NWX... it is done superb... just last year almost 150%... a good year huh? LOL
thing is, NWX has so many new oil finds that are gonna give them so much more money... these wells often flow 7000 bopd... 8000 too...LOL they have 3 or 4 zones in each well bore! This is a new area, only really explored since 2011... the Bauer field is amazing... 12000 bopd and flat production for 3 years now! amazing... they are saying 80% recovery and that is only primary recovery... amazing field... now they just drilled 4 wells this qtr and hit on all 4...LOL one well at the Stunsail field, where the discovery well flowed 8000 bopd... they hit a new zone with an amazing 20 meters of pay! in a shallow well... a cheap vertical well... this is amazing stuff... not the junk TBE drilled... the heavy wells that flow 20 bopd...LOL this is premium wells... amazing wells... I own it cause I know about the oil bizz.... gawd I am good... finding a 3 penny stock and returns 4000% and over 150% a year... and still finding more oil fileds... new finds.... not development drilling, new oil pools!
oh wait a sec.... you dummies own TBE.... nothing to review here... except to wonder, why are you so stupid? how come you did not look into NWX as I told you.... instead of having a great year again with nwx.... you lost all your money on TBE stock...LOL
do the annual review and try to answer the question.... why are you sio stupid? LOL
let me know when you figure it out...LOL
oh wait a sec, again.... the operator for NWX is Beach, the biggest onshore oil producer in Australia and anyway.... the plan is now ... after they just hit on 4 drills this qtr..... to move along with a 10 well exploration program for the rest of this year.... and we are gonna get monthly news going forward... new exploration wells... that is what I want to hear...LOL... that is where a company adds value... something TBE never did... TBE bought production from others...LOL... all along you did not even own an company capable of finding oil.... they bought production... the lousy production others found but thought it was not worth owning, so they sold it to suckers like TBE and YOU...LOL gawd are you guys dumb, huh?
now smarten up, buy into a exploration play with profitable production... the Bauer Field has $3 op costs for gawds sake.... $3...LOL... that is how good this is... $3 operating costs... and production of 12000 bopd! from one field... and they are finding more fields monthly... and you numb brains did not buy it when I told you about 6 months ago to buy at 19 cents.... since then they paid out a 10 cent dividend and the stock is up 10 cents.... if you bought at 19 cents when I told you last.... you would already have a double, in about 6 months...LOL
gawd man, I know you hate me for laughing at you, for calling you dummies .... but that is true... just like my talk about NWX is true... and my big profits are true... as certain as I am making money on NWX... you are likewise as dumb as I say...LOL
you guys are dummies... lokk at that silly manthebull and buger and protrade and this las fool... I mean really... oh and scottie...LOL... yeah scottie... have you seen a dumber loser than thiose turnips...LOL they would not find a winner in a one horse race...LOL these guys make a turnip seem smart...LOL these are not the brightest bulbs...LOL