RE:RE:What is your take?I don't think that the CEO of Seabridge ever said that they are the largest miner- what he says that if Seabridge's KSM deposit was to be put into production it has the potential to be one of the largest mines in Canada but there is a big gap between potential and actuality. From my readings of the PEA's that SEA has produced to date they use the term reserves for a significant portion of the resources on the properties that make up the Kerr, Sulphurets, and Mitchell deposits. A resource that is classsified as a reserve must have enough certainty that when it is mined-the value of the recovered metals must return a value greater than the direct costs. This does not guarantee that the profits would be sufficient to attract the capital necessary to develop a project and I doubt that it is likely that this project will be developed in my lifetime (I am on the downhill portion of my expected time on earth so I do not think that betting on SEA makes sense to me).
On the other side of the coin is Ivanhoe that truly is a remarkable company well on its way to production, and when in production has an exceptional chance of being very profitable without need for further dilution.