RE:Who decides and chairs the board of directors?Megabear, if you think the longs and the shorts are being taken fora ride, then what the fuuck are you doing
Concordia and the pumpers here must think the average shareholders are complete morons? The fake rally, halt and sad news which the markets reactive negatively to!
You pumpers better get some new material. Here is a tip, take all the truth published on SEDAR, reverse it 180 degree and pump with anti-truth.
If any legitimate longs here can put forward how any of this is good new, please do so. I'm sure there are longs here that are more quiet, reserved and researched? Don't be scared to be riduculed by these BS artists here dominating the discussions.
From my perspective, both long and shorts are being taken for a ride on this circus ride.
Convince me to put my money either long or short. I have the whole weekend to decide. Nothing needs a quick decision here. No need to be inpulsive.
But imagine if the markets were all electronic, running 24x7. That would be nice. It would even out the playing field by the market professionals and the rest of the world. You can buy books 24x7, one day we might be able to buy and sell equity 24x7.
Good night. Hope there is some nice balanced discussions this weekend. Don't let the shameless pumpers ruin good discussions!
And great, the captain is leaving this ship, so what? This company spends money like there is no tomorrow. Ironically, this ship was also called Concordia! We have some longs stuck in these lifeboats hoping everything will be ok?