Integra is in the enviable position of currently having many interested suitors, from majors to mid-tiers signing CA's, preforming their DD, and conjuring up proposals. All of which gives Integra, if in giving their blessing to be taken-out, the leverage of having ALL of what they would ask for, in return for them doing so.
Without Integra blessings, there is no change in ownership!
With the management team knowing the multiple upside potential in stock price, as the resource continues to expand in sizable increments, the real question becomes, what written agreements within the proposal would the Integra team seek, so as to add even more value than that of which is already assured for shareholders as the project continues to be de-risked, and the resource expanded?
I've thrown out a few idea's in the past of how Integra, if some form of take-out was to occur, could increase its value for shareholders. One being with a staged-type JV, which would still enable the continuation of drilling-out, and maximizing the value in the resource, thus stock price, while also having the added financial means to pursue more aggressively their internal & external involvements.
But whatever deal that may transpire, if one at all, if this management team has shareholder value as their top priority, then with the leverage of having multiple suitors interested in a project that's highly sought after, then obviously, any type of deal made would have to be one tilted towards Integra's way, showing an immediate, and substantial increase in monetary value for shareholders. GLTA