RE:Website looks OKThat is a very good question pooch, I'll try getting a holdback of Bob to clarify. The wishful thinking side of me all of a sudden wants to believe that perhaps those properties were sold/optioned or something of the like. Since the page is new (and lacking refinement to be honest) perhaps it's still a work in progress and they are just a little behind. The links and pictures are a bit of a mess and I noticed they even quoted their email being instead of .ca on one page. Not to mention the mobile platform page formatting issues. You would think the webmaster would have proofed the page better then this for the release! However, I'm sure they will edit and get it fixed up in no time.
In keeping with the timeframe this season it seems to be around once a month. Last year it was closer to every two weeks. Barring another glory hole type core I would think we have another 2-3 weeks before we see another release. Just my opinion.