RE:POP Replay1. did gold prices fall 70% when i wasn't looking? POP got crushed by a black swan commodity slide, if oil was still at $100, pop would still be in business. could that happen with gsr? well sure if gold falls by that likely to happen anytime soon?
unlikley....but anything is possible, dont own any gold if you think that happens.....
2. 11 drill holes on Plateau, all show gold, 98% recovery rate, greater knowledge of the specific deposit. clearly a lower result that some shareholders wanted/expected ($300k worth of stock sold ie peanuts), drill holes weren't dry and they werent .05g/t or .10 g/t like many companies show.
lucky strike results to follow...
3. gold catching a bid, lots of political uncertainty, italy, france, netherlands and germany all have elections next year, rise of the right happening over there could cause a wrench to be thrown into germany etc, global debt now double that of global gdp, unfavouable global demographics/immigration causing zenophobic and a market that thinks central banks will always be there to save the world.....i dont think gold will fall by 50%
i get the speculation, but results today really werent that bad...perhaps we will see some insider buying....