Suncor looking at more depressed companiesMEG is despressed.
MEG's shareholder's are depressed.
MEG's management and board are depressed.
I think MEG qualifies to be on Suncor's list for depressed companies.
if you add up MEG's annual G&A, stock compensation and R&D you get a savings of 113 for 3/4 of a year and maybe around 150 million savings for the full year if MEG were to be gobbled up.
again MEG has high quality, lower operating cossts assets which would fit into suncor's purchase criteria.
it's just a question of the debt?
suncor could increase MEG's produciton to 150,000 bpd with 18 months to help pay for the debt.
it's a numbers game.
Suncor would offer an all share deal and it won't be in the 20's or even teens, it would be under 10 and they would just keep knawing at MEG shareholders to surrender their shares.
do I really see Suncor attempting another opportunistic takeover?? maybe I'm not really sure either way.
if there ever was a time for opportunistic takeovers, it before oil prices head abck up which they will sooner or later, with or without opec deal.
if you think about it, COS shareholders have done quite well since suncor took over COS even thought they complained quite hard because they got an all share offer and SU keeps performing exceptionally.
is it time for MEG to put the company on the block, since they have done everthing they can do to survive, except sell Access pipeline and MEG would be worth more with it than without it to an acquirer.
just speculating here, but I would take 10 bucks today for my MEG shares and not complain about it.