Cannainvestor, They Sky is Falling, dot bong and otherAs Interporlation1 would say, if you are not reading Cannainvestor you are not really investing.
The Sky is Falling on page 23 is a great read comparing the dot com bubble to the dot bong era.
It discusses significant differences.
Regarding investing:
Invest in companies:
- with a successful product/service with growning demand;
- that posses the abiltiy to supply that growing demand
- that are run by "smart" people with proven experience;
- that invests money on getting better and not just on getting bigger;
- with financial health (past, present and forecasted);
- that do not overpay for expansion and materials;
- that operation in a jursidiction that should facilitate growth not impede it;
- that are undervalued
Think Tinley and rate it according to the above.
"Back to the basics is key. Invest in smart people investing in great companies offering quality products in a growing market." yup. Tinley.
Reviewing the average volume per week and average weekly price for the last seven weeks:
Week of:
Sept 12 av. daily volume 444.670 at av price/share of 0.063
Sept 19 av. daily volume 377,356 at av price/share of 0.062
Sept 26 av. daily volume 987,422 at av price/share of 0.060
Oct 3 av. daily volume 5,056,005 at av price/share of 0.108
Oct 11 av. daily volume 6,055,082 at av price/share of 0.30375
Oct 17 av. daily volume 4,641,774 at av price/share of 0.426
Oct 24 av. daily volume 1,635,534 at av price/share of 0.408
A few obeservations are apparent:
- The Eureka Moment for Tinley so far is the social media announcement of Tinley'27 on September 30.
- The new floor is around $0.40/share
- The volume for last week is one quarter to one third of the previous three weeks which follow the Eureka Moment leading to interpretation that many are comfortable with their current positions and few new investors are moving in. Shareholders are now waiting for November 8 and watching daily for any indication of movement either way.
- The pp announcement has stalled the rapid price rise but it hasn't crashed the stock. The funding came at a time where Tinley's financials had reached a worrisome level. (think financial health - present in ref C.I.'s points above)
- All other "official" releases have had a mild effect on the stock inidivdually and moderating effect collectively.
So what would be the next Eureka Moment?
- the November 8 referendums? In my opinion this is already factored into the share price. Are we really expecting millions of Americans to now have a Eureka Moment? I think this is marginal at best.
- Federal regulations and the removal of marijuana as a schedule 1 drug. This would defnitely be huge on the entire marijuana industry but the likelihood of this happening is very low for the foreseeable future.
- The announcement of new agreements with licenced producers? I beilieve the impact would be relatively small but result in more stability and higher floor.
- New markteting firms or new directors. I can't see this being significant as it really hasn't been significant in the past except for providin shareholder confidence and stability.
- Hemplify sales up or down? Hemplify is a product that's given Tinley access to retail and supply chain. It's allowing them to establish relationships and test various markets. It's CBD based which opens up the entire U.S. to sales. But the original focus centred on THC. The only way Hemplify will impact is if Tinley makes a THC product for recreational markets. Even if all rec referendums vote yes, there may still be some time before state governments pass legislation and regulations that allow for the legal sale of THC based product. So Hemplify CBD sales up would be postive but not monumental except maybe for shorters. I think the same would apply if sales were trivial as it takes a long, long time to build a brand and distribution network in a truly cut-throat business.
- The announcement of new THC based beverage products? Again, more of a stabilizer than a eureka moment.
- Tinley'27 production annoucement. In my opinion, this was an igniter for blast off four weeks ago. If Tinley enters into agreement for turn key production as proposed and product begins shipping, this will be beyond huge. Social media will explode and the experience will be real and attainable and well received.
- Referendums, agreements with LPs and new products are more support level than eureka but important regardless.
Tinley'27 production and related social media promotion is the key for this stock explode.
My thoughts but do your own dd.