New Post--- very sad reality
Good Morning,
Just a note, I agree with Blueblack. The very unfortunate reality is there is no advertizing, beneficial promotion, and realistic future of ANY with this relic of existing management. The stock under NORMAL parameters to other asset based companies would have soared...this horse continues to be hidden in the barn, by its paid caretaker.
I have re-read my notes from this time frame in 2014...I was sharing the same story. I must apologize. The very brutal facts are best again described in the analogy of a great/wealth-less storybook ....stored away in a library called Sedar. The book if not shared HENCE is only valuable to the writer......the writer continues to fill his pockets...The shareholders, the publisher, who paid for the book to be created continues to wonder ...I could continue but i believe each shareholder must see his/her own reality.
We have a very large challenge....and it is not the assets...we own as shareholders.