RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:BNN Coverage of New CEONo drug representing more than 2% of revenue is simply not true. I think d
Donnatal, Plaquinel and Nilandron each represent more than that.
Nossy45 wrote: I don't think anyone thinks the institutional shorts will leave this alone anytime soon, doesn't mean there isn't upside from here though.
This solution to the is to issue a generic. Amco controls a monopoly over Liothryonine, I don't see the UK government being as draconian as people assume they will be.
Also important to note that CXR has access to a broad market, and no single drug represents more than 2% or so of revenues. So, these headwinds can be mitigated to a degree.
This entire issue is very complex, and is why the stock valuation of CXR has been knocked down so much.