The real point... This stock traded at about 3 cents not long ago WHy ?? We need to know how and WHY?
The coming ...forget the meeting..that is control shopped. BS historical!
I do believe you are on to something....big, caveat in a small world. I would suggest, it is time the shareholders became more pro-activate to their own destiny. Frankly absolutely ever thing I can "see" the old man has been King of realm ... the company, since the beginning using shareholder's money to be here and now.. This would be acceptable if he were an enlighten King.
My point, Brilliant, read the description of this company on this website! Read the description on your brokerage web site...HELLO. Same complete LACK of reality, they know nothing of the reality, posted at sedar.....and WHY!!!!!! Endeavor to change this , write, stand and delivery for your on .
Clearly, I am here until the end. Define end? I vision, the assets are worth 10x the value for many reasons today..the leading reason..IT is in Canada..
Think again what any mining stock will be worth when the hammer ( reality to digit wealth of the past becomes hum understood ) falls..I could share so very much but in fundamental terms..Power is the ability to control..control the will buy the road there, that is "old knowledge"..and has been paving the road to here for centuries ..once again I am certain I lost most readers, smile.
In the old days, allow me a moment of humor...tar and feathers and the king was driven from the kingdom on a worthless mule for he was no longer worthy of respect, honor and faith of those in the kingdom, the shareholders, in our imaginary case. This point where the stock is worth LESS now in profit scenario when it was worth 60 cents in imaginary mode is EVERYTHING you need to know about the KING. Not to mention the royalties openly being payed..tar and feathers his abuse of power..he was paid well for tens of years..All old shareholders have LOST 80 cents or more to 2 8
this silent mode of future must stop now..
The future .. we made this happen try to share the understood truth.
But me..tar and feathers..I am too old school