GREY:TBTEF - Post by User
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oilconsultanton Nov 06, 2016 1:36pm
Post# 25429921
petroexplorer is a liar, a fool and a loser...LOL
petroexplorer is a liar, a fool and a loser...LOLsimple, the guy calling himself peteroexplorerr....LOL... made up numbers cause he is unable of doing research. he knows nothing about exploring for oil... what a dope actually, a complete loser...LOL
The numbers he references, relate to the Bauer Field. That field is of some import because it is a world leading field in terms of ultimate expected recovery. The field offers extremely high porosity and permabilitiy. the water drive is powerful and plentiful. No need to spend money on a secondary water flood... the water drive there means EUR of about 80% maybe higher... the field is outperforming all initial projections.
The Bauer Field is the main reason NWX stock has gone from 3 pennies to 30 cents and paid out 20 cents in dividends.... if you own NWX like I do, you are some happy... all in, over the last 4 years, I have gotten a 50 bagger owning NWX and trading it.
You see, while TBE has gone to zero.... NWX has gone straight up... earlier this year I told ya to buy NWX at 19 cents... since then, it was Feb or March... the stock has paid out a dime in a divy... that would reduce your cost to 9 cents.... the stock is now about triple that... at 27 cents... LOL... a triple just since early this year! a proven triple... I told ya all about it...
so what is new... well, NWX reports 5 new wells drilled this qtr and 5 new finds... some new oil fields to add to their production.... this is a big time winner...
so now you know peteroexplorer is a fool... he did lose every penny owning TBE after all....LOL I warned ya about TBE and told ya to buy nwx... I am good huh? LOL
you see, I am an expert in the oil bizz.... you should listen toi me, follow me, and you would have never owned TBE... you would have owned NWX... you would not have lost every penny on TBE, you would be up 50 times or more on NWX stock... hell, you could have been rich like me, not a broke loser owning TBE stock....LOL
too funny... TBE was a joke... anyone that owned it was a dope...LOL My gawd dummies like petroexplorer and burger and scottie even averaged down on TBE...LOL they could not lose their money fast enough so they bought more and more... they lost every penny here.... LOL
wow as dumb as petroexplorer and burger and protrade and scottie... if you are in the same class of losers as those clowns...LOL.... well I just have to laugh at you.... LOL
I laugh and laugh and laugh...LOL
whaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....