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Itafos Inc V.IFOS

Alternate Symbol(s):  MBCF

Itafos Inc. is a phosphate and specialty fertilizer company. Its businesses and projects include Conda, Arraias, Farim, Santana and Araxa. Conda is a vertically integrated phosphate fertilizer business located in Idaho, United States with a production capacity of over 550 Kiloton (kt) per year of mono ammonium phosphate (MAP), merchant grade phosphoric acid (MGA) and ammonium polyphosphate (APP), and approximately 27kt per year of hydrofluorosilicic acid (HFSA). Arraias is a vertically integrated phosphate fertilizer business located in Tocantins, Brazil with a production capacity of approximately 500kt per year of single superphosphate (SSP) and SSP with micronutrients (SSP+). Farim is a phosphate mine project located in Farim, Guinea-Bissau. Santana is a vertically integrated high-grade phosphate mine and fertilizer plant project located in Para, Brazil. Araxa is a vertically integrated rare earth element and niobium mine and extraction plant project located in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

TSXV:IFOS - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by kisstopherpon Nov 07, 2016 10:35am
Post# 25432024


kisstopherp wrote:

Company is worthless - 3.43% of 0 = 0

Stonegate Agricom is worthless

GB Minerals has some value but requires huges sums of money to build a mine and get into production.

404 shares traded - Drop of 40%. Re-living bankruptcy all over again. Worth 1.8c pre-consolidation.



Bullboard Posts