predictionstime for a bit of fun, with zero news, think we will see .18 or lower this week, but the "real" fun starts tomorrow, will crooked Hilary win, or perv Trump? With Hilary dominating headlines regarding her being a crook, and she is, and with The donald keeping it in his pants and sticking to the teleprompt, and he is a perv, I think he actually has a chance. Business will eventually favor a trump win, yes he is a dufis, but he can surrond himself with smarter people, look at your junior in Canada, dumb as a stick or even better, school teacher, but with good people around him?? Clinton is as crooked as a dogs hind leg, any other Rep heading the ticket would have slaughtering her, I do envy the way Canucks run elections, a couple of weeks of shouting, an X on a ballot, and it is all over, way to much time and money spent here. What say you Canucks, Trump or Clinton. GLTA