Priority Post WBA/Crocker Park Update: Smart Antenna Chosen Over Beacons November 16, 2016 Meetings were held this week in Cleveland between We Build Apps, their lawyers and iSIGN, to review recent amendments to the existing WBA and Crocker Park contract. Specifically: 1) the term of the original agreement, 3 years with annual renewals, was changed to a 3 year agreement with renewal options for either additional 3 years or other periods, to be agreed, 2) iSIGN's proximity marketing/mobile security alert system will be the exclusive commercial and security messaging system permitted in Crocker Park, including the premises of their retail and commercial tenants, thus excluding all other systems, Beacon and otherwise, 3) iSIGN's proximity marketing solution, featuring our patented technology and hardware, will be installed in all the other 26 commercial properties owned and/or managed by Stark Enterprises, once the iSIGN/WBA network is installed, activated and functioning for mobile security alerts and commercial messaging at Crocker Park, and, 4) WBA will update and integrate a security alert messaging dashboard with iSIGN's existing dashboard for commercial messaging. With these amendments in place as of Friday, November 11, an interview with a local Cleveland area reporter was held with Rodney Colley of WBA, Alex Romanov of iSIGN, and a municipal politician who is involved in this project. The interview was held in light of the high local interest in Crocker Park and related Stark properties. During the interview, WBA revealed additional initiatives that are underway, including their recent partnering with our airport reseller, Rich Multimedia Technologies, to install RMT's Kiosks, integrated with iSIGN"s technology and Smart Antennas into major Ohio airports. It is still Crocker Park's intent to hold their own national press event once the installation into Crocker Park is complete and functioning. This complex and sophisticated partnership and ground breaking project, involving proximity messaging for commercial purposes plus proximity security alerts to mobile devices, is currently underway, after months of research, design, testing, proof of concept, negotiations and legal reviews. Additional details, including progress of completion will be supplied as we receive updates from WBA.