Part one....
Twitter, or more precisely, “Fin Twit”, can be both a wonderful place to learn, share and connect with other traders / investors and also a dumpster. Anyone a little seasoned on Twitter can attest to that. But when you start out, the real problem is not so much to cut out the garbage, as to know if you’re the garbage yourself.
The path of improving as a trader / investor can be grueling. From broken keyboards, to blown accounts, to more blown accounts, the entire process is both painful and costly. One of the main key is to not lose all your chips so that when it does all come together, you still have some cash to trade with.
But what is an ambition developing trader / investor to do? How to you get to the next level? How do you go from dumb money to not so stupid money? Well apart from your favorite crack slanging trading gurus’ courses, you can simply follow this Twitter account: .
Before we go any further, let’s first define the infamous BagHolder
According to Investopedia a Bagholder is:
An informal investment term used to describe an investor who holds a position in a stock which decreases in value until it is worthless. Typically, the bag holder will hold the position for an extended period of time in which most of the investment is lost.