Hearing through the rumour mill what's causing LSE delay nowApparently, upon reflection, the LSE regulators want Laslop out becasue he's tarnished along with past management (aka Fitz). This is quite incredible really this late in the process.
Though, Laslop is not squeeky clean...he was vetted by new managent and deternined to be best qualified for the job. If they have to find his replacement after an already exhaustive search for one...this move to LSE is no time soon. Not only that keep in mind Laslop has a agregious parachute of $8M should he be terminated.
If there was ever a good time to for a potential buyer to come forward this would be it.
C'mon white knight...with this is a great asset for the right buisness. Take us out of our misery. $15.00 will do it for me...and I would bet most holding the bag here.