RE:LIX and CannabixI have owned BLO since well below $0.20 and I sold on past ruups only to buy back lower so I cannot even given an opinion on whether to buy or not. The company is literally all or nothing. If it works ... $20 stock ... if it does not work ... toilet paper for the share certificates. They are ahead of Hound Dogs (allegedly) and the salvia tests out of Europe are not practical for road side. Low Canadian Dollar helps too. Their product has many applications if it works besides road side tests - workplace, athletics, schools, etc. Anyhow, this is NF board and nothing but more good news this week I think from NF. Good luck if you buy BLO just keep in mind all or nothing.
TonyMJstock wrote:
sorry this isn't related to NF, but was wondering if anyone knows if these 2 companies are good to invest in the stock? Cannabix is MJ breathalyzer and LIX is Lithium which has a "strong buy" rating