shamboner, is today buyout day here? LOLYou been flappin your gums for years about a buyout of MEG... was it suncor? cenovous, imperial? now even paramount...LOL too many to remember..LOL hell you had every company with a few billion market cap buying meg...LOL
no reason of course, no explanation as to why anyone would take on $8 bill to buy a money losing company...LOL
you silly turnip... MEG is losing money, everyday... no one wants to spend $8 billion to own a money loser that needs much higher oil prices to simply survive...LOL. this is a bad oil play, very expensive... ultra high cost operation.... billions and billions sunk in and it is losing money...LOL
why does shamboner only own junk? the guy is so dumb... lost 99% on pmt... that was a stupid company that just gave away huge gas production, no not given away, they paid money to have somone take it from them...LOL... yep, the dummies at PMT spent decades drilling lousy shallow gas wells...LOL
funny how pmt was so dumb... they drill a well that flows 200 mcfd... some dumb... they spend half a mill but Montney wells cost 10 times as much but produce 40 times as much gas and you got one well instead of 40 wells that require pipelines and compression... hell pmt was a dumb company... hell meg is dumb too.... a huge sagd project... one asset! one asset and they risk everything and spend multi billions on one asset and when that one asset goes bad.... opppssssss they screwed up huh? LOL