Very good gambleIf the court upholds the $70M payment and the 18 month operational hold on Tiara, expect Neovasc to drop to pennies. If the court eliminates or reduces the $70M payment and rejects the 18 month operational hold on Tiara, I wouldn't be surprised to see shares of Neovasc double, triple, or even quadruple to $2.00 per share. The judge also needs to rule on patent ownership of Tiara technology, so that decision will also move the needle for Neovasc's share price.
This is an incredibly binary catalyst that will result in either you losing well more than 50% of your capital, or easily doubling it and quite possibly tripling it. I have zero insight into what the judge will decide. This is a gamble, a lotto ticket. Tread carefully.
There is no doubt in my mind that the underlying technology of the Reducer and Tiara are conservatively worth upwards of a billion dollars (based on fact that analyst estimates peg the Mitral Valve market to be upwards of 4x the size of the Aortic valve market, and Tiara is the front runner in being the first commercialized mitral valve device). If Neovasc didn't have this potential bankruptcy inducing lawsuit hanging over its head, it would be trading closer to a $300M valuation, roughly the average its private competitors were acquired for by Abbot, Edwards, and Medtronic.